
Nader's dumping himself on the American Presidential race again. The guy's an obsessed technocrat who perhaps serves a useful function in consumer advocacy, but what merits he has would be useless in the duties and functions of the U.S. President. Hopefully even his starry-eyed followers who make up a portion of what passes for the far left in America will realize his participation in past elections has been, on the whole, detrimental.

There, satisfying my idiot conviction that someone might actually care what I think.

1 comment:

Sra said...

I was a bit upset when I heard he entered the race, because he has a way of dividing the liberal vote, and we need to have a united front against the Repubs this time around. I still think the country is sick enough of Bush that the Dems have a better chance anyway, but I'd really not like to have another 4 years of conservative BS.

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