I'm writing this from a semi-stable region of consciousness between adequate pain control and drug-induced fogginess.

It's been two days since my stem cell infusion, since Day 0. A few of the nurses and techs said something interesting that day, "happy birthday."
It's oddly appropriate if you think about it.
I have had a life-threatening illness. In order to treat it, we have had to resort to a heavy-handed treatment, a treatment that will kill you. The stem cell transplant enables life to renew, enables health to be restored at all.

When this is done, I will have undergone technological death and resurrection; born again by the power of science.

1 comment:

Sra said...

It's rather profound when you put it that way, isn't it?

I'm sorry I haven't visited in several days. I was going to try to come by today, but if I don't make it, I'm off work on Friday, so I'll for sure drop in then.

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