
No mere president is going to put the country on the right path (whatever you think that is.) To a disturbing extent, elections serve to convince people they've had all the voice and choice they need, deserve, or are capable of exercising, so they'll stop clamoring and let those who already have power get on with using it.

Still, the choice of leader is informative about what kind of society people want to have, which can help you decide how better to share your ideas and ideals with them.
While there are no saviors, a president does have impact, and I think on the whole an Obama presidency would cause less harm and more good than a McCain presidency.

1 comment:

Sra said...

When a choice must be made, the lesser of two evils is the best choice.

I actually think Obama would be a good president. Maybe even a great president. But I also think eventually all politicians become corrupt. If Obama isn't corrupt yet, he will be some day.

Even so, he has my vote.

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