
How to use Joker in the next Batman movie:

The action rises, as Bats and the new villain vie against one another. There's aerial fistfights, underground vehicle chases, oh-so-serious brooding and shouting and looming, relationship troubles, all the usual fare. At some point, and you could probably get away with it more than once, someone's brilliant plan of the moment goes catastrophically wrong, hundreds of people are imperilled, fire and destruction reign. One expects this in an action movie anyway, but both the hero and villain are robbed of whatever goal they are trying to achieve. And in the wreckage, the Joker's card is found, maybe several, maybe hundreds raining down, with a handwritten message: "MISS ME?"

You could probably get away with making the Joker an offscreen bogeyman for at least two films, if pulled off right. Until a successor to Heath Ledger is found.

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