
What the History Channel want you to think is a complete and thorough understanding of the past:
Biblical Times ...> The American Revolution ...> World War II ...> Last Week

What the Republican Party want you to think is a complete and thorough understanding of the past:
Biblical Times ...> Jayeezus ...> The American Revolution, when are FourFathers set forth a new nation conceived in Christianity --exactly as modern American evangelical Protestants pretend it always has been, unchanged since Jayeezus personally wrote it down in English ...> World War II, when by gum, men were Real Men ...> The time when America was The Way It Ought To Be ...> The time when librul hippies set out to make it not The Way It Ought To Be ...> The Reagan Administration (sans context and complications) ...> The Clinton Administration, when saxophone-playing interns danced naked through the streets ...> The time when Jayeezus personally chose George W. Bush to be the President and anyone who questioned any of his policies was a traitor endangering The Troops ...> The time those crazy librul hippies thought Obama was their Messiah and began trying to bury us Real Americans in SekritMuslim cCommuNazi dictatorship plots ...> Last Week

What the Democratic Party want you to think is a complete and thorough understanding of the past:
Now ...> Last Week ...> Some particular time a Democrat looked good on television

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