
LTE. A bit Tea-Partyish, I know. But I actually bother to define my usage of 'fascism.' It's an exercise in social-cognitive damage control and messaging.
See also the Serene Babe's irregularly updated page on America's creeping fascism.
News about the rallies in Wisconsin sheds light on a broader pattern.

There is a false moral system that puts purity and strength above truth, that holds military valor as the only meaningful patriotism, that would break the working class and twist public institutions to serve the wealthiest businessmen. Mussolini said fascism is properly called 'corporatism'; government of, by, and for business. Fascist values say captains of industry are the best the nation has to offer, and so are the ones the state should serve.

We see union-busting, the Citizens United ruling, billionaire funders of astroturf with their own bought-and-paid-for governor, constructed hostility to any honest doubt of U.S. foreign policy, wars that throw away soldiers' lives and loyalty so that billions in no-bid contracts can be given to government contractors, corporate welfare, privatization of intentionally underfunded and neglected infrastructure, and slashing of essential and hard-earned services for working people.

Corporatism is the system of government and economy in America, and neither voting conservative "values" nor liberal "hope" ensure against it.

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