
I'm inclined to think the evil really does lie in the desire, rather than the act of domination. The "will to power," as it were. If you pay lip service to freedom, but quietly stew over how much you wish you could just make everyone live the right way, that's still evil of a sort. On the other appendage, you might generally want people to pursue their own lives and dreams as best they can, when some particular circumstances make it necessary to cut off someone's choice sphere. Such as if their immediate dreams involve burning down people's homes or something.

I use the phrase "sphere of choices" as a conscious extension of something I read about one's "circle of choice." I think it was in a Thomas Sowell book or something. It just seemed so... flat. "Sphere of choices is a nice three-dimensional metaphor for our spongy two-and-a-half-dimensional minds.

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