
The whole question of abortion just about goes away if we had perfect birth control. And what's perfect birth control? Something universal and affordable. Something not dependent on external technology. Something so women can accept or suppress pregnancy at will. Something built into the genes so every woman on the planet has it by right of birth and no kings, priests, prophets, patriarchs, commissars or high commanders can take it away.
Then the only remaining circumstances for abortion would be those cases where unexpected complications lead to grievous risks to the mother's life.

The lengths social conservatives in the early 20th century went to suppress contraceptives or even information on contraceptives and family planning advice serves as part of the proof social conservatism is evil. Maybe if the conservatives of today were more willing to openly condemn the evils of the conservatives of the past, I'd be more charitable about assuming today's conservatives are evil as well. But they won't. Learning that lesson would cost their fragile worldview too much to survive.

1 comment:

Sra said...

I wish I could just press a button or turn a knob to turn off my reproductive cycle. Instead I just take one BC pill pack after another so that I only have periods every three months or so. I'd take the pills indefinitely and never have periods, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not. Sorry if this was TMI.

I also wish I could push a button to make my hair grow longer or shorter. One day I could have long flowing hair and the next a short funky cut.

Please bless the technology of the future has such things in store.

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