
Oy, you know that hyperalert state where you're somewhat drunk and you focus and rebalance your sensory systems 'cause you know you can't quite trust your automatics, and then when you get home you can relax and so then the alcohol effects really come to your conscious attention? Yeah, me too.

Reggae still annoys me on radio, but it makes pretty decent bar live music.

Note to all musicians travelling to Utah: bring a fair sound artist along, 'cause you can't trust the club's sound guy to know shit around here.

1 comment:

Sra said...

So very true about the sound guys. They are all shit around here, and frankly I'm getting sick of it.

I hate when you don't think you're that drunk and then you lay down and close your eyes and you get the spins. That means you're actually TOO drunk. Awful.

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